İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi

  • General Secreteriat



    Preliminary Provisions



    ARTICLE 1- (1) The purpose of this Bylaw is to set out the general rules and principles regarding the aims, activities, governing bodies, their duties and working style of Izmir University of Economics Sustainable Energy and Climate Policies Research and Application Center.


    ARTICLE 2- (1) This Bylaw includes provisions regarding the aims, activities, governing bodies, their duties and working style of Izmir University of Economics Sustainable Energy and Climate Policies Research and Application Center.


    ARTICLE 3- (1) This Bylaw has been established in accordance with paragraph (d), sub paragraph (2) of clause one of Article 7, and Article 14 of Higher Education Law No. 2547 dated 4 November 1981.


    ARTICLE 4- (1) The references in this bylaw are as follows:

    a) Advisory Board: The Advisory Board of the Centre,

    b) Center (SENLAB): Sustainable Energy and Climate Policies Research and Application Center of Izmir University of Economics,

    c) Director: The Director of the Center,

    ç) Rector: The Rector of Izmir University of Economics,

    d) University (IUE): Izmir University of Economics,

    e) Administrative Board: The Administrative Board of the Center.



    Aims of the Centre and Areas of Activity

    Aims of the Centre

    ARTICLE 5- (1) The aim of the center is to conduct academic studies and develop innovative projects on sustainable energy, sustainable development and climate policies.

    Areas of Activity

    ARTICLE 6- (1) Activities of the center are as follows:

    a) Conducting pioneering research on the role of energy security in the formulation of energy policies.

    b) Analyzing individual and collective energy preferences, investigating the social dynamics behind the acceptance of energy transitions.

    c) Evaluating current energy and climate policies and evaluating their compliance with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

    ç) Developing methods for comprehensive impact assessment, focusing on political, economic and technological changes in the fields of energy, climate change and the environment.

    d) Carrying out other studies in line with the aim of the center.



    Governing Bodies of the Centre and Duties


    Governing Bodies

    ARTICLE 7- (1) The center is made up of the following governing bodies:

    a) Director

    b) Advisory Board

    c) Administrative Board



    ARTICLE 8- (1) The Director is appointed by the Rector for a three-year term from among the University's faculty members who are involved in activities related to the center's areas of operation. The Director whose term of office expires may be reappointed by the same procedure. In case the Director is absent for more than six months, a new Director is appointed by the same procedure. The Director is responsible to the Rector for the functioning of the Center.


    (2) In order to assist the Director in his/her work, one person among the faculty members of the University is appointed as Vice Director by the Rector upon the proposal of the Director. The Vice Director, limited to the authority granted by the Director, performs the works related to the management and representation of the Center and deputizes the Director when the Director is not on duty. When the Director's duty ends, the duty of the Vice Director also ends. The Vice Director whose duty has expired may be reassigned. The Director may propose to the Rector to replace the Vice Director when deemed necessary.

    Director’s Duties

    ARTICLE 9- (1) Duties of the Director of the Centre are to:

    a) Represent the Center,

    b) Chair the Administrative Board and the Advisory Board,

    c) Organize the meetings of the Administrative Board and the Advisory Board, set the agenda and implement the decisions taken,

    ç) Plan and execute the annual activity report and work program in accordance with the aim of the Center.

    d) Ensure the design, execution, coordination and supervision of research activities according to the strategies and policies determined by the Administrative Board,

    e) Perform other duties assigned under the provisions of the relevant legislation.


    Administrative Board

    ARTICLE 10- (1) The Administrative Board consists of five members: the Director as the Chair, the Vice Director, and three members who are appointed by the Rector for a three-year term from among the University's faculty members who are involved in activities related to the center's areas of operation, upon the recommendation of the Director. Members whose terms have ended may be reappointed in the same manner. In place of a member who leaves before the end of his/her term of office or is assigned outside the University for more than six months, a new member is appointed in the same manner to complete the remaining term.


    (2) The Administrative Board convenes at least twice a year upon the call of the Director with the absolute majority of the total number of members. Decisions are taken by majority of votes. In case of equality of votes, the majority of the votes cast by the Director shall be deemed to have been achieved.


    Administrative Board Duties

    ARTICLE 11- (1) Duties of the Administrative Board are to:

    a) Decide on the annual work program proposal prepared by the Director,

    b) Establish temporary work and research groups when deemed necessary and organize their duties,

    c) Contribute to the organization of the activity report to be prepared by the Director at the end of each academic year, and to the planning and execution of the activities,

    ç) Accept the activity program for the following year by evaluating the recommendations of the Advisory Board, and submit it to the Rector,

    d) Determine the basic principles of the studies to be carried out jointly with domestic and foreign organizations,

    e) Supervise the work of the Director,

    f) Perform other duties assigned under the provisions of the relevant legislation.


    Advisory Board and Duties

    ARTICLE 12- (1) The Advisory Board consists of at least five and at most eleven members appointed for a period of three years by the Rector upon the recommendation of the Administrative Board from among the faculty members and/or members of the University, public institutions and private sector organizations who have studies related to the fields of activity of the Center, under the chairmanship of the Director. In place of a member whose term of office expires or who leaves his/her position before the end of his/her term, a new member is appointed in the same manner to complete the remaining term. The membership of a member who fails to attend the meetings three times in a row without an excuse shall be terminated.


    (2) The Advisory Board convenes at least once a year with the absolute majority of the total number of members and decisions are taken by majority vote.


    (3) The duty of the Advisory Board is to make suggestions to the Administrative Board regarding the activities of the Center and to provide opinions on issues requested by the Administrative Board.



    Miscellaneous and Final Provisions


    Staffing Needs

    ARTICLE 13- (1) Academic, technical, and administrative staffing needs of the Center is fulfilled by a staff to be assigned by the Rector pursuant to Article 13 of Law No. 2547.


    Equipment and Fixtures

    ARTICLE 14- (1) The tools, vehicles, equipment and fixtures requested for the works carried out within the scope of the center's field of activity are provided by the Rector.


    Non-Provisional Circumstances

    ARTICLE 15- (1) Provisions of other respective legislations will be taken into account should non-provisional cases occur in this Bylaw.



    ARTICLE 16- (1) This Bylaw takes effect on the date it is published.



    ARTICLE 17- (1) The Rector of the Izmir University of Economics enforces the provisions of this Bylaw.


    This Bylaw took effect on the date of its publication on the Official Gazette dated 19.08.2024 and numbered 32637.