İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi

  • General Secreteriat



    Purpose, Scope, Basis, and Definitions



    Article 1 - (1) The purpose of these procedures and principles is to regulate the procedures and principles regarding the planning, publication, printing, distribution, and sale of all printed and/or electronic (digital) publications belonging to the units affiliated to Izmir University of Economics and the operation of the publishing house within the body of Economic Enterprise of Izmir University of Economics.



    Article 2 - (1) These procedures and principles are applied in the processes of publishing scientific copyrighted or translated works such as faculty journals, textbooks, lecture notes, supplementary textbooks, original researches conducted by the University lecturers, etc. to be determined by the Publication Commission within the scope of the University's Publishing House (IUE Press) studies, with or without paying the copyright, and other works recommended by the Publication Advisory Board and to be published on behalf of the University by the Economic Enterprise.



    Article 3 - (1) These procedures and principles have been prepared based on the:

    a) Articles 14 and 48 of Higher Education Law No: 2547,

    b) Publishing Regulation for Universities, which was prepared in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Higher Education Law No. 2547 and entered into force by being published in the Official Gazette dated 03.02.1984 and numbered 18301,

    c) Regulation on Publications Except for Books, Duplications and Supplementary Materials Used as Teaching Tools in Universities, prepared in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Higher Education Law No. 2547.



    Article 4 – (1) The references in these procedures and principles are as follows:


    a) Graduate School: Graduate School affiliated with Izmir University of Economics,


    b) Faculty: Faculties affiliated with Izmir University of Economics,


    c) Economic Enterprise: Economic Enterprise of Izmir University of Economics,


    ç) Secretary General: Secretary General of Izmir University of Economics,


    d) Publications Coordinatorship: Publications Coordinatorship of Izmir University of Economics Press,


    e) Financial Affairs Directorate: Financial Affairs Directorate of Izmir University of Economics,


    f) Vocational School: Vocational schools affiliated with Izmir University of Economics,


    g) Board of Trustees: Board of Trustees of Izmir University of Economics,


    ğ) Lecturer: Lecturers of Izmir University of Economics,


    h) Faculty Member: Faculty Members of Izmir University of Economics,  


    ı) Rector: The Rector of Izmir University of Economics,


    i) Procurement Directorate: Procurement Directorate of Izmir University of Economics,


    k) Expert: Expert referees in the relevant field determined by Izmir University of Economics Publication Advisory Board to evaluate publication applications,


    j) University: Izmir University of Economics,


    k) Publication Commission: The Publication Commission of Izmir University of Economics, which will work in accordance with these principles,


    l) Publishing House: Izmir University of Economics Press,


    m) Publication Advisory Board: The Publication Advisory Board of Izmir University of Economics, which will work in accordance with these principles,   


    n) School: Schools affiliated with Izmir University of Economics,


    o) Publication Proposal: Publication proposals for copyrighted works and translated works in Turkish and foreign languages, which are brought to the attention of the Publication Advisory Board for publication by Izmir University of Economics Press or which are evaluated ex officio by the Publication Advisory Board.





    Principles Regarding the Structure, Duties, Authorities and Responsibilities of the University Publication Commission


    Establishment of the University Publication Commission

    Article 5 - (1) (Change SD 30.06.2021-440-A/6) The University Publication Commission consists of two full and two substitute faculty members to be determined among the members of the University Administrative Board under the chairmanship of a Vice-Rector. In cases where it is requested to publish the academic studies in which the chairman of the commission or the full members are involved, substitute members are called to duty in the order of election instead of the relevant members. In case the chairman leaves, the meeting is held under the chairmanship of the most senior member. The term of office of the elected members is limited to the term of office of the Membership of the University Administrative Board.


    Duties and Authorities    

    Article 6  - (1) The Publication Commission has the following duties and authorities:


    a) Evaluating the annual work plan and calendar that includes all publication proposals submitted by the Publication Advisory Board for each academic year.


    b) Examining the ready-to-publish works submitted by the Publication Advisory Board and to deciding whether they are suitable for publication in terms of quality and education-training needs.


    c) Determining the groups specified in these principles the works belong to; deciding by evaluating the proposal submitted by the Publication Advisory Board about the order of publication, the print run and the way they are printed, the cost, the selling price and the royalties to be paid.


    Article 7 - (1) The Publication Commission benefits from the services of teaching staff and other administrative personnel in terms of work. The Publication Commission carries out all its work (decisions, assignments, notifications, etc.) in writing.


    Article 8 - (1) The decisions of the Publication Commission become final with the recommendation of the University Administrative Board and the approval of the Board of Trustees.



    Principles Regarding the Structure, Duties, Authorities and Responsibilities of the University Publishing House


    Establishment and Operation of the Publication Advisory Board

    Article 9– (1) The Publication Advisory Board consists of the following people:


    a) A vice rector to be appointed by the Rector,


    b) One lecturer representing all Faculties, Schools and Vocational Schools to be appointed by the Rector,


    c) A maximum of two representatives from the Publications Coordinatorship to be appointed by the Rector.


    (2) One of the representatives of the Publications Coordinatorship acts as the rapporteur of the Publication Advisory Board.


    (3) The Publication Advisory Board is chaired by the Vice Rector to be appointed by the Rector.


    (4) The Publication Advisory Board convenes with the agenda prepared by the President of the Publication Advisory Board not to be less than four times a year.


    (5) If deemed necessary, the President of the Publication Advisory Board may invite the relevant lecturers and the Secretary General or an administrative staff member to be appointed to the meeting to consult their information on certain issues.


    (6) The Publication Advisory Board convenes with the absolute majority of the members and takes decisions by the majority of the attendees.


    (7) Members of the Publication Commission cannot take part in the Publication Advisory Board, except for the Vice Rector.


    Duties and Responsibilities   

    Article 10 – (1) The Publication Advisory Board fulfills the following duties and responsibilities:


    a) In line with the report prepared by the Publications Coordinatorship for each calendar year, it evaluates the annual work plan and calendar, which includes all publication proposals submitted to the publishing house for publication or desired to be published by the publisher and submits it to the Publication Commission.


    b) Evaluates the publication proposals and prepares a proposal including the copyright fee, the technical specifications regarding the printing, the print run, creates a list in order of priority regarding the works deemed suitable for publication, determines the formal qualifications for the writing and editing style that will form the basis for the publications, and submits them to the Publication Commission.


    c) In case one of the works in the list of works deemed suitable for publication cannot be published, it prepares a proposal for the publication of another work included in the list of works deemed suitable for publication, if it does not exceed the amount determined for the works of the publisher within the budget and submits it to the Publication Commission.


    ç) Establishes expert referee committees for the reviewing of publications.


    Duties and Responsibilities of the Publications Coordinatorship  

    Article 11 – (1) The Publications Coordinatorship fulfills the following duties and responsibilities:


    a) One of the representatives assigned to the Publication Advisory Board acts as a rapporteur.


    b) Updates a detailed report on all works for which the publisher has copyright, translation, printing and similar rights every calendar year and informs the Publication Advisory Board.


    c) Prepares publication proposals, annual work plan and calendar to be submitted to the Publication Advisory Board for approval.


    ç) Submits the proposals prepared by the Publication Advisory Board to the University Administrative Board through the Publication Commission and gets them approved.


    d) Prepares the annual draft budget and submits it to the Publication Commission for the approval of the Board of Trustees, after finalized by the University Administrative Board.


    e) After evaluating the distribution, discount, advertising, fair organization, etc. agreements, it submits it to the approval of the Rectorate.


    f) Evaluates the protocol list and submits it to the Publication Advisory Board for approval every year.


    g) Conducts the necessary negotiations with the owners of copyright and translation works in Turkish and foreign languages, which are among the publications deemed suitable for publication, in accordance with the publications recommended to be published by the Publication Advisory Board and the work calendar.


    ğ) Provides the necessary coordination with the people who provide services such as the owner of the work, editor, typesetter, printing house, designer, in order to prepare the proposed publications for publication in accordance with the work calendar. Receives approval from the Rectorate regarding all kinds of agreements to be made with these persons or the works and products delivered.


    h) Conducts the process of call for book proposals and collecting proposals. Prepares the report of the proposals and submits to the Publication Advisory Board.


    ı) Monitors the implementation of the publishing house's budget, which is within the scope of the approved budget, and ensures coordination with the Financial Affairs Directorate.


    i) By informing the Procurement Directorate of the University regarding the purchases of services and goods required for the activities of the publishing house, it ensures that the purchases to be made by the publishing house are made in accordance with the tender regulation and general procedures of the University under the coordination of the Procurement Directorate.


    j) Coordinates with the relevant administrative units of the University so that the contracts to be concluded regarding the activities of the publishing house are made in accordance with the University's rules and internal processes.


    k) Coordinates the marketing and sales processes of all works published by the publishing house.


    Publication Types

    Article 12 - (1) The works to be published by Izmir University of Economics in accordance with these procedures and principles are listed below in order of priority.


    a) Textbooks: Copyrighted or translated works that are taught as a course in university associate, undergraduate and graduate programs and include the course content determined by the relevant boards.


    b) Lecture notes: Reproduced publications that directly or indirectly cover all or part of the course content determined as compulsory or elective courses in university associate, undergraduate and graduate programs, but not in book form, and reproduced or to be reproduced publications that cover all the application and laboratory programs of a course.


    c) Supplementary Textbooks: Copyrighted or translated works that directly or indirectly cover all or part of the course content determined as compulsory or elective courses in university associate, undergraduate and graduate programs.


    ç) Original research: Research conducted by university lecturers with or without a research project.


    d) Scientific copyrighted or translated works: Scientific publications written or translated by the academic staff of the University.


    e) Proceedings Books: Books in which the papers presented at meetings such as conferences, symposiums and congresses organized by universities are published.


    f) Non-scientific copyrighted or translated works: Copyrighted or translated works in the fields of science, art and popular culture that are recommended to be published by the Publication Advisory Board.


    g) Journals: Periodicals prepared by the university units, published regularly, and containing scientific articles, research articles and / or the productions of university lecturers and students.


    (2) The principles determined by the Interuniversity Board are valid for publications other than those described here (university brochure, graduation catalog, promotional publications, etc.).


    Publication Applications

    Article 13 - (1) The proposal of the works requested to be published by Izmir University of Economics is submitted to the Publications Coordinatorship by the author or by the lecturers of Izmir University of Economics. The Publications Coordinatorship reports the applications made to it and submits them to the Publication Advisory Board for evaluation.


    Features to Seek for in Publications in Terms of Format

    Article 14- (1) Matters regarding the format of the book cover are determined by the Publication Advisory Board, taking the opinion of the author, and are shared on the University's website in the section related to publications and/or publishing house.


    (2) The page of the publication's tag includes the phrase, "All kinds of tables, figures, graphics, pictures, visual elements and scientific thoughts and expressions in this book belong to the author(s). Izmir University of Economics does not take any legal responsibility for these and similar claims.”


    Examining the Works

    Article 15 - (1) The Publication Advisory Board, which receives the publication application, convenes, and initiates the actions. At the first meeting, the Publication Advisory Board examines the submitted work in terms of quality and educational needs. When it deems necessary, it decides to send the work to the referees by forming a referee committee of three experts in order to have the work examined. When deemed necessary, the Publication Advisory Board requests the Ethics Committee to evaluate the submitted works at the same meeting and sends a copy of the work to the Ethics Committee.


    Article 16 - (1) Faculty members, who examine the works, report separately on their views on the work within 30 days following their assignment.


    Article 17 - (1) In the meeting to be held after the referee reports are received, the Publication Advisory Board:


    a) considers the opinions expressed in the reports, makes a positive, negative decision or requests a change in the work.


    b) sends change requests in writing to the author of the work if it requests a change in the work as a result of the evaluation.


    (2) The author sends the corrected copy of the work back to the Publication Advisory Board. When the Board deems necessary, it forwards the work to someone it will choose from the referee committee to receive a final report. After the referee receives the report, s/he submits it to the University Publication Commission with their proposal for the publication of the work. The Commission presents its decision to the University Administrative Board at its meeting.


    Article 18 - (1) One copy of the works that are not deemed suitable for publication is kept by the Publications Coordinatorship, the other copies are returned to their authors.


    Article 19 - (1) The copyright calculations of the publications are made by the Publication Commission in accordance with the Universities Publication Regulation, based on the corrected copies.


    Article 20 - (1) The University Publication Commission has the authority to decide whether to publish the works, and this decision comes into force with the approval of the University Administrative Board.



    Principles Regarding Financial Affairs


    Publishing House Accounting

    Article 21 - (1) Accounting records and books are kept by the Financial Affairs Directorate within the approved budget.


    Publishing House Budget

    Article 22- (1) The draft budget, prepared by the Publications Coordinatorship on a calendar year basis, is submitted to the approval of the Board of Trustees after being decided by the University Administrative Board upon the recommendation of the Publication Commission. The budget enters into force as of the beginning of the calendar year upon its approval by the Board of Trustees.


    (2) Budget changes can be made during the year with the decision of the Board of Trustees upon the proposal of the University Administrative Board.



    Other Matters


    Implementation Principles

    Article 23 - (1) In matters where there is no provision in these procedures and principles, the decisions of the Board of Trustees regarding the Economic Enterprise of Izmir University of Economics and other procedures and principles to be accepted by the Board of Trustees are applied.


    (2) In matters not specified in these principles, Publishing Regulation for Universities, and Regulation on Publications Except for Books, Duplications and Supplementary Materials Used as Teaching Tools in Universities are applied.


    Changes in Procedures and Principles

    Article 24 – (1) These procedures and principles can be changed by the decision of the Izmir University of Economics Senate.



    Article 25– (1) These procedures and principles take effect on the date they are approved by the Board of Trustees of Izmir University of Economics.



    Article 26 – (1) The Rector of the Izmir University of Economics enforces the provisions of these procedures and principles.


    These principles entered into force with the Senate decision dated 05.05.2021 and numbered 434-A/15 and the decision of the Board of Trustees dated 07.06.2021 and numbered 453.