İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi

  • General Secreteriat


    Aim and Scope
    Article 1- These regulations cover the principles that will be considered while accepting students to “Option Programs” in various fields and in the implementation of the program which will be offered to Izmir University of Economics students starting from 3rd grade.

    Article 2 - Option Program, is the name of the program, which is offered to 3rd grade students in Major Programs, that is composed of specialization courses in the departments within the body of the Faculties. 

    Option Program does not mean a separate undergraduate program. It shows that a student, who receives an undergraduate degree from the departments within the body of the Faculties, gets an expertise in a specific field.

    Article 3- These principles are prepared based on the University legislation and the protocols between concerned establishments and/or organizations and Izmir University of Economics. 

    Offering Option Programs
    Article 4- The content and the student quota of the Option Program is determined in February of each year and submitted to the approval of the University Senate upon the proposal of the faculties.

    Application and Admission Conditions
    Article 5 -
    a) In order for a student to apply for an Option Program, s/he has to have passed to the 3rd grade in the Major Program and have a GPA of at least 2.00 over 4.00.

    b) The applications are made to the Dean of Faculty until the due date.

    c) A commission made up of three people is assigned by the Dean of Faculty in order to evaluate the applications and determine the students that will be accepted to the program. The commission makes interviews with the applicants.

    d) While determining the students that will be accepted to the program, the GPAs of the applicants and the result of the interviews will be evaluated together. The students that fall within the quota according to their success rank have the right to make final registration.

    Article 6- The students accepted to the Option Program, are discussed by the Faculty Administrative Board before approval. Students, who have the right to make final registration to the Option Program, complete their registration during the announced dates.

    Implementation of the Program
    Article 7 - 
    a) The Option Program is carried out by the related Faculty.

    b) An “Option Program Coordinator” is assigned by the related head of department in order to help and provide academic counselling to the students with the courses they will take and with their internship.  The coordinator guides the students by communicating with the related lecturers, and officials of concerned establishments/organizations.

    c) The courses, that will be offered in Option Program, will be determined by being discussed in the related Faculty Board, and submitted to the approval of the University Senate upon the proposal of the departments.

    d) In order for students to graduate, they need to prepare their Senior Projects, if it is specified in their curriculum, in the area relevant to the Option Program.

    Success and Graduation
    Article 8- The success and graduation conditions for the Option Program are stated below:

    a) The teaching of the Option Program is executed in the scope of the rules and regulations applied in the teaching of the Major Program and within the legal periods anticipated for the Major program.

    b) Separate transcript and report card are not designated for the Option Program. The courses taken by the students will be issued in the Major Program transcript and name of the Option will be indicated in their transcripts.

    c) Students enrolled in the Option Program are obliged to complete their education in this program. The students cannot quit the program afterwards.

    ç) The student that completes the Option Program with a GPA of minimum of 2.00 will be awarded undergraduate diploma of the related department along with the “Option Program Certificate”.

    d) The anticipated internships and practices in the Option Programs, which are being carried out in the context of collaborations, will be performed at concerned establishments and/or organizations, or other workplaces accepted by the concerned establishments and/or organizations. The internships and practices done by the students need to be approved by the concerned establishments and/or organizations in order for students to graduate from this program.

    Other Provisions
    Article 9 - If specified in their protocols, students, who successfully complete the Option Programs, which are being carried out in the context of collaborations with other establishments and organizations, can be assigned to be trained in the management level within 3 months following their graduation.

    Article 10- Students who graduate from the Option Programs, which are being carried out in the context of collaborations, do not have to fulfil an obligation of compulsory service to the concerned establishments and/or organizations and to Izmir University of Economics.  It is up to the student’s own will whether to start working at a workplace proposed by the concerned establishment.

    Article 11- These regulations take effect on the date of approval by the Senate.

    Article 12- The Rector of the Izmir University of Economics implements the provisions of these regulations.


    This regulation takes effect upon the decision of the Senate dated 27.07.2012, and numbered 195/A-4.





    This regulation takes effect upon the decision of the Senate dated 27.07.2012 and numbered 195-A/04