İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi

  • General Secreteriat



    Purpose, Scope, Basis, and Definitions


    ARTICLE 1 – (1) The purpose of this bylaw is to set out the general rules and principles regarding the education and examinations conducted by Izmir University of Economics Faculty of Medicine.


    ARTICLE 2 – (1) This bylaw includes general rules and principles regarding education and examinations conducted by Izmir University of Economics Faculty of Medicine.


    ARTICLE 3 – (1) This bylaw has been prepared in accordance with Article 14 of Higher Education Law No: 2547 and dated November 4, 1981.


    ARTICLE 4 – (1) The references in this bylaw are as follows;

    a) ECTS: European Credit Transfer System,

    b) (Deleted OG-12/12/2022-32041) 

    c) (Deleted OG-12/12/2022-32041) 

    ç) Dean’s Office: Dean’s Office of Izmir University of Economics Faculty of Medicine,

    d) Course: Each of the integrated education units consisting of theoretical and practical educational activities where the student success is measured and evaluated,

    e) (Change OG-12/12/2022-32041)Course Coordinator: The instructor responsible for the organization of all the educational activities and related procedures included in the plan of each compulsory and elective course in the basic medicine and clinical medicine periods,

    f) (Deleted OG-12/12/2022-32041) 

    g) Phase: Medical education processes stretching out to one, or more than one academic term structured on a conceptual framework,

    ğ) Faculty: Izmir University of Economics Faculty of Medicine,

    h) Faculty Board: Izmir University of Economics Faculty of Medicine Board,

    ı) Faculty Administrative Board: Izmir University of Economics Faculty of Medicine Administrative Board,

    i) Student with a suspended registration: Student, whose registration is not renewed due to lack of payment within specified period of time and who is unable to benefit from studentship rights for that semester,

    j) Board of Trustees: Izmir University of Economics Board of Trustees,

    k) Grade Point Average: Grade point average for any registered course, which is included in the grade average, is obtained by multiplying the coefficient of the grade with the ECTS credit. The Grade Point Average is obtained by dividing the total credit points by the total number of ECTS credits. If this calculation is based on the courses taken for one semester, grade point average is obtained. If it is based on all the courses taken so far, cumulative grade point average is obtained,

    l) (Change OG-12/12/2022-32041)Internship: The applied education period in the sixth year of the education program, which is carried out in the form of compulsory and elective courses by different departments, within the periods defined in the relevant legislation,

    m) OSYM: The Measurement, Selection and Placement Center,

    n)  Rector: The Rector of Izmir University of Economics,

    o) Senate: The Senate of Izmir University of Economics,

    ö) Medical Education Board: Board responsible for planning, evaluating, and updating of all the educational activities of the Faculty of Medicine,

    p) University (IUE): Izmir University of Economics,

    r) YOK: Council of Higher Education.

    s) (Add OG 12/12/2022-32041) Phase 1: 1st, 2nd and 3rd year (Preclinical period),

    ş) (Add OG 12/12/2022-32041) Phase 2: 4th and 5th year (Clinical period),

    t) (Add OG 12/12/2022-32041) Phase 3: 6th year (Internship period),

    u) (Add OG 12/12/2022-32041) Special Student: A student who is a registered student in a higher education institution and wishes to acquire a different higher education environment, culture, achievement or is given the opportunity to continue his/her education in a different higher education institution, provided that his/her registration remains at their own university due to his/her special situation, health and similar reasons,

    ü) (Add OG 12/12/2022-32041) Exchange program: The program, which envisages that students registered in one of the institutions within the framework of the protocol arranged between a domestic or foreign higher education institution and Izmir University of Economics, receive education in the other institution for a short time and that the courses taken from one institution can be accepted as equivalent in the other higher education institution,

    v) (Add OG 12/12/2022-32041) Year Coordinator: The instructor responsible for the coordination of clinical education in 4th, 5th and 6th year,


    Student Admissions, Registrations, Renewal of Registrations, and Transfers

    Student Admissions and Registration

    ARTICLE 5 – (1) Student admission is determined in accordance with the principles set forth by the Senate within the scope of the respective legislation provisions based on the results of the exam conducted by OSYM.

    (2) The final registration procedures of the students admitted to the Faculty are carried out on specific days. Students, who apply on time, provide the required documents, and pay the tuition fee, are registered. Those, who fail to register on time and provide the required documents, waive their right to register.

    (3) The registrations of the ones who have deficiency or falsification in their documents are cancelled even if they have registered. Those students will not be refunded.

    ARTICLE 6 – (Change OG 12/12/2022-32041)

    (1) The University charges tuition fees. The amount, payment method and time of all fees to be paid are determined by the Board of Trustees for each academic year. If the specified fees are not paid, the registration will not be renewed.

    (2) If the compulsory payment obligations for semester registrations are not fulfilled on the dates announced by the University, the provisions of the relevant legislation are applied.

    (3) To the students who are newly registered to the University or continuing students, who apply to withdraw from the University until the start date of the courses announced in the academic calendar, 15% of the annual tuition fee will be deducted from the tuition fee they have paid and the remaining amount will be refunded. The fees paid by the students, who apply to withdraw from the University after the start date of the courses, are not refunded.

    (4) The date of the withdrawal application is taken as a basis in the implementation of this article. Those who have paid more than their payment obligations determined for the withdrawal, will be refunded upon their written request after the deduction of the amount they are obliged to pay.

    (5) The entire tuition fee paid for the relevant semester is refunded to students who enroll in another university through transfer.

    (6) Students, who are suspended from the University due to a disciplinary offense, are obliged to pay the tuition fee for the semester(s) for which they were suspended. These students will not be refunded for this semester(s).

    Student Status

    ARTICLE 7 – (Change OG 12/12/2022-32041)(1) The Faculty admits only full time students. In order for the student to benefit from student rights, he/she must have paid the tuition fee determined by the Board of Trustees on the dates defined by the University in the academic calendar and have registered.

    Renewal of Registration

    ARTICLE 8 – (1) Each student is obliged to renew registration at the beginning of each semester within the dates announced in the academic calendar.

    (2) For a renewal of registration, the student has to have met all the payment requirements for the past semesters, including the current semester for registration. The registration of students, who did not meet this requirement, will not be renewed. Those students will not be able to benefit from the studentship rights.

    (3) The registration of students, who do not renew registration within the announced period, will be suspended. Those students will not be able to take courses or exams for that semester and lose their studentship rights if they do not renew registration.

    (4) The semester, in which the student did not renew registration, will be deducted from their maximum period of education specified in the respective article of Law No: 2547.

    (5) Students with a suspended registration may continue their education on the condition that they pay the tuition fees required for the academic year they came to register, and they can benefit from the studentship rights for the semesters they register.

    (6) (Add OG 12/12/2022-32041) student, who cannot graduate due to not completing only one internship course, despite being successful in all courses within the maximum education period, pays 3 IEU credit fee over the IUE credit hour rate that is determined by the Board of Trustees for the undergraduate programs summer education of the previous year, in the first following internship period, regardless of how many weeks the internship course is.Scholarship and discount rates of students who have scholarships/discounts within the scope of the regulation determined by the University regarding scholarships and discounts are taken into account in the calculation of the internship fee.


    ARTICLE 9 – (1) The Senate determines the requirements for admission through transfer based on the respective legislation provisions.

    (2)(Change:OG-22.08.2019/30866) Foreign language proficiency of transfer students and their instruction at foreign language preparatory class is determined in accordance with the principles set forth by the Senate within the scope of the respective legislation provisions.

    (3) (Add OG 12/12/2022-32041) Adjustment procedures of students, whose transfer applications are accepted, are carried out by the adjustment commission according to the principles determined by the Senate. Students are obliged to take all courses except the courses that are considered equivalent. Students who are adjusted to clinical education must first complete the missing courses in preclinical education.

    Exchange Programs and Special Students

    MADDE 10 – (Changed with the title OG-12/12/2022-32041)

    (1) Special students are students who are not registered in an associate degree or undergraduate program at IUE, are enrolled in a higher education institution in Turkey or abroad and are expected to fulfill the requirements of these courses by enrolling in a limited number of courses.

    (2) Admission of special students to courses is determined by the decision of the Faculty Administrative Board upon the recommendation of the Dean's Office.

    (3) Special students are not regarded as IUE students and they cannot benefit from the studentship rights. However, in other matters, they are expected to comply with the provisions of the legislation to which IUE students are subject. A transcript, showing the courses they have enrolled in, and the grades they have received, can be given to them on their demand. This document does not stand for diploma or show any academic degree.

    (4) Special students pay the tuition fee determined by IUE.

    (5) Students, studying in programs where the medium of instruction is Turkish, must certify that their English foreign language level meets the proficiency requirements determined by the Senate to take courses from IUE Faculty of Medicine.

    (6) Credits of courses or applications taken as a special student from another higher education institution at the same level, grade conversions, etc. can be considered as fulfilling the obligations of the student in the diploma program in which he/she is registered, with the decision of the Faculty Administrative Board.Other principles regarding special studentship are determined by the Senate.

    (7) Credits of courses or applications taken from another higher education institution at the same level within the scope of national and international student exchange programs, grade conversions, etc. can be considered as fulfilling the obligations of the student in the diploma program in which he/she is registered, with the decision of the Faculty Administrative Board. Other principles regarding student exchange are determined by the Senate.


    Duration of Education

    ARTICLE 11 – (Change OG 12/12/2022-32041)

    (1) The standard period of study is six academic years (twelve semesters), and maximum period is nine years (eighteen semesters), excluding foreign language preparatory class.

    (2) Maximum period of study for foreign language preparatory class is two years.

    (3) All semesters in which students do not renew their registration as of the first registration date are included in the regular and maximum period.

    (4) The provisions of the legislation issued by the Council of Higher Education are applied regarding the transfer and double major education and the maximum education period of these programs.

    (5) The time spent in the previous programs of students who register through transfer and students who change departments within the University, excluding the time spent in foreign language preparatory programs, is included in the period of study.

    (6) The semesters spent in higher education institutions in Turkey or abroad within the scope of exchange programs are included in the regular and maximum period.

    (7) The penalty period of students who are suspended from the university is counted as the maximum education period.

    (8) One can benefit from the special student opportunity for a maximum of two semesters during a program. This period can be extended by the decision of the Council of Higher Education, upon the student's request and only under the following conditions:

    a) After the student's placement in a higher education institution, the diagnosis of a serious disease that cannot be cured in the province of residence due to his/her education or the progression of the existing disease is documented with a medical board report obtained from the state hospital or state university hospital.

    b) Proposal from the University Administrative Board that it is not possible for the student to continue his/her education in the higher education institution where he/she is registered due to being subject to acts such as assault and violence

    (9) The time spent by the student as a special student and in the exchange program is included in the education period.

    (10) Turkish citizens studying at higher education institutions abroad can benefit from the special studentship opportunity for a maximum of two semesters.

    (11) Students must complete their education within the maximum period of study without a valid reason stated in this Regulation. Students who cannot graduate within the maximum period of study and have a maximum of five courses left to graduate are given an additional period of four semesters. In cases where there is no provision, the provisions of the relevant legislation are applied.

    (12) Students, who have completed the maximum period of study but only need to take and/or fail to complete a maximum of two internship courses for graduation, pay 3 IEU credit fee over the IUE credit hour rate that is determined by the Board of Trustees for the undergraduate programs summer education of the previous year, regardless of how many weeks the internship courses are.

    (13) If the registration is not renewed due to non-payment of the tuition fee, within the maximum period; the students are not dismissed. However, if the registration is not renewed due to non-payment of the tuition fee for four consecutive years with the decision of the University and the approval of Council of Higher Education, the students may be dismissed from the University.

    (14) Students, who cannot successfully complete the compulsory foreign language preparatory program, are dismissed from the program.

    (15) Students, who are dismissed from preparatory class, are given three exam rights to be used within three years. Those, who are given this right, can apply and take the exams administered by the University. Of those, who successfully pass the exams, are re-registered, and can resume education if they meet the current financial requirements. The period in which they took the exam is not included in education period. They cannot benefit from studentship rights.

    (16) Issues regarding the placement of students, who have been dismissed from the preparatory class, into programs whose medium of instruction is Turkish are carried out according to the principles determined by the Council of Higher Education and/or the Measurement, Selection and Placement Center.

    Medium of Instruction

    ARTICLE 12 – (1) (Change:OG-22.08.2019/30866)  The medium of instruction at the Faculty, except for clinical communication skills applications, simulated patient interviews, and bedside education, is English.

    (2) (Add OG 12/12/2022-32041 In the Phase 2 process, trainings received outside the institution within the scope of national/international cooperation can be given in the medium of instruction of the relevant institution.

    Academic Calendar and Academic Year

    ARTICLE 13 – (Change OG 12/12/2022-32041)

    (1) Academic calendar is specified by the Senate upon the proposal of the Faculty Board and announced.

    (2) If necessary, classes and exams can also be held on weekdays after the end of work hours and/or on Saturdays and Sundays.

    Foreign Language Preparatory Education

    ARTICLE 14 – (1) Foreign language preparatory education is carried out in accordance with the respective legislation provisions.

    (2) (Change OG 12/12/2022-32041 )(Change:OG-22.08.2019/30866)  Students, whose native language is not Turkish, need to get a Turkish Proficiency document pursuant to the principles identified by Council of Higher Education and the Senate.

    Medical Education Program

    ARTICLE 15 – (1) Medical Education Program is structured around an extended curriculum, which includes the contents of National Undergraduate Medical Core Curriculum, within the framework of standards set by the National Medical Education Accreditation Board (UTEAK), and reflects the vision of the University on health and medicine. The curriculum is implemented after the approval of both the Faculty Board and the Senate.

    (2) (Change OG 12/12/2022-32041) Courses deemed appropriate can also be taken from other universities within the scope of cooperation protocols. The processes regarding these are defined by the Faculty Board. Issues such as the credits of the courses taken from these institutions, grade conversions, etc., can be counted as the student's obligations with the decision of the Faculty Administrative Board. Other principles regarding this are determined by the Senate upon the recommendation of the Faculty. Students can practice in different institutions in line with the requirements of the curriculum.

    (3) (Change OG 12/12/2022-32041) Students’ applications to take courses outside the University are permitted with the approval of the Faculty Board by taking the conformity to the curriculum into consideration within the framework of respective legislation.

    (4) (Change OG 12/12/2022-32041) Courses deemed appropriate or some of the educational activities in some courses can be offered as distance learning method upon the justified recommendation of the Faculty Board and the approval of the Senate.

    (5) (Change OG 12/12/2022-32041)The Faculty Administrative Board is authorized to resolve any adjustment problems or disputes as such arising from the implementation of the curriculum.

    International Dual Instruction Programs

    ARTICLE 16 – (1) International dual degree programs with the institutions abroad may be offered.

    (2) Instruction of such programs is carried out in accordance with the respective legislation provisions.

    Education Boards

    ARTICLE 17 – (Change OG 12/12/2022-32041)

    (1) Temporary work groups or new committees can be formed with the decision of the Faculty Administrative Board according to the requirements. The duties, authorities, responsibilities and procedures and principles of these boards and their members are determined by the Faculty Administrative Board.

    Compulsory, Common Compulsory, Elective, and Prerequisite Courses

    ARTICLE 18 – (1) Courses are offered in two groups as compulsory and elective courses.  Students are required to take the entire compulsory courses and specified number of electives of the program in which they are registered.

    (2) A course, which is passed or taken/followed in order to take another course, is called a prerequisite course. Prerequisite courses and their prerequisites are finalized by the decision of the Faculty Board and the approval of the Senate.

    (3) Faculty students are required to complete the common compulsory courses identified in Law No. 2547.

    IUE and ECTS Credits of Courses

    ARTICLE 19 – (Change OG 12/12/2022-32041)

    (1) The IUE/ local credit value of a course consists of all the weekly theoretical hours for that course plus half of the weekly hours of laboratory, application and similar activities.

    (2) (Change:OG-22.08.2019/30866) ECTS credit for a course is determined by the Senate allowing an ECTS credit to correspond to a twenty five-thirty hour workload of a student. The workload of student represents all of the time dedicated to such as independent learning, being on duty, clinical studies, assignments, presentations, preparation to exams, exams, field studies as well as educational activities (Ek ibare:RG-22/8/2019-30866).

    (3) (Change OG 12/12/2022-32041) Course and application credits for each year is 60 ECTS credits (360 ECTS total) during a six-year curriculum.

    (4) IUE/local credit value is not appraised for courses that will not be included in the grade point average upon the decision of the Senate.

    (5) (Change OG 12/12/2022-32041) (Change:OG-22.08.2019/30866) The regular course load a student will take is specified in the teaching plans. Students cannot take compulsory Faculty courses from upper grades.

    (6) (Change OG 12/12/2022-32041) (Change:OG-22.08.2019/30866)  Students, in addition to their regular course load, can take one common compulsory and/or elective courses.


    Attendance, Exam Excuses, and Leave of Absence


    ARTICLE 20 – (Change OG 12/12/2022-32041)

    (1) Students are required to attend at least 70% of theory-based education activities and 80% of applied education activities in Phase 1, attend at least 80% of all education activities in Phase 2 and at least 90% in Phase 3.   

    (2) Attendance is monitored based on the rules specified university-wide. Student, who fails to attend a course due to whatever excuse, including medical report or suspension from school, is granted a grade of NA (non-attendance) pursuant to the respective legislation provisions and Senate decisions. Students who receive a grade of NA are obliged to repeat the course until they are successful.

    Exam Excuses

    ARTICLE 21 – (1) Students, who could not take an exam with a valid justification accepted by the Faculty Administrative Board, are permitted to take a make-up exam in accordance with the principles specified by YOK.

    (2) (Change OG 12/12/2022-32041) Application regarding exam excuses is made to the Dean’s Office in three business days following the end of the excuse. Faculty Administrative Board reviews student excuses within the respective legislation provisions and principles set forth by the Senate.

    (3) Students are considered non-attendant for the time they are absent due to suspension from school and due to medical report, and they cannot participate in educational activities or take exams during that time.

    (4) Eligibility to enter presentations, sessions, applications and/or exams before the medical report expires, requires the student to bring a new medical report stating the student is in good health.

    (5) New make-up exam is not administered for a student who fails to enter the make-up exam administered upon the decision of the Faculty Administrative Board based on the accepted exam excuse.

    (6) Student, who does not take an exam without an exam excuse not accepted by the Faculty Administrative Board, is considered he/she used the exam right.

    Deferral of Registration

    ARTICLE 22 – (1) Students, with a reasonable and valid excuse, can be permitted to defer their registration, by the decision of Faculty Administrative Board on the condition that they return to the University. Students can ask for a deferral of registration for health problems, economic reasons, family problems, military service, personal problems, and academic reasons, for education abroad and other unexpected events based on their right and valid excuses determined by YOK on the condition that they provide documentation.

    (2) Students in foreign language preparatory class are permitted to defer their registration for two semesters at most, and for six semesters in the Faculty. In obligatory cases, these periods can be exceeded by the decision of the University Administrative Board. The period for deferral is not included in the maximum education period.

    (3) Students, who wish to defer their registration, need to apply to the Dean’s Office with a petition along with necessary forms within two weeks the latest following the beginning of the courses.

    (4) Applications received after this date, excluding compelling reasons, shall not be accepted.

    (5) In order for the deferral application to be processed, the tuition fee for that semester and other payments must have been made. The payment already made for the semester that the student is on leave shall be deducted from the following semester’s tuition fee.

    (6) Students, who deferred their registration, continue their education by making their regular semester registration on their return to the university at the end of deferral period.  However, students who are granted a leave due to health problems must prove with a report, which will be taken from a respective specialist, stating that they are able to continue their education within two weeks before they begin education.

    Withdrawing From the University

    ARTICLE 23 – (1) Students who;

    a) cannot complete compulsory foreign language preparatory class successfully within two years,

    b) fail to meet the graduation requirements at the end of additional period and additional exams

    c) receive “Expulsion from the Institution of Higher Education” penalty as a result of the disciplinary investigation,

    ç) wish to be dis-enrolled willingly,

    will be dismissed from the University.


    ARTICLE 24 – (1) Students, who are dismissed, dis-enrolled, or graduated, have to pay the rest of their tuition fee, if applicable, and have to complete the dismissal procedures set by the University in order to get their diplomas or their documents from the university.


    Measurement and Assessment, Grade Objections, and Passing a Grade Level

    Passing a grade level, measurement and assessment

    ARTICLE 25 – (1) Methods to be used in measurement and assessment, and their contribution to success grade is determined by the decision of the Faculty Board and announced to the students.

    (2) Courses, which do not require mid-term and/or end-of-semester exam, are determined by the Senate upon the recommendation of the Dean’s Office.

    (3) (Change OG 12/12/2022-32041) (Change:OG-22.08.2019/30866) Students, who meet the attendance requirements for Faculty course(s) but obtain grades of DC, DD, FD, or FF, are given a make-up exam at the end of the respective semester in Phase 1, and at the end of the respective academic year in Phase 2.

    (4) (Change OG 12/12/2022-32041) The principles regarding make-up exams are determined by the Senate upon the recommendation of the Faculty Board.

    (5) (Change OG 12/12/2022-32041)  Students’ success is determined by calculating their grade point average at the end of the semester in Phase 1, and at the end of the academic year in Phase 2.

    (6) (Change OG 12/12/2022-32041) (Change:OG-22.08.2019/30866)  Students qualify to take second grade courses if they get a grade of at least “DD” in courses measured with grades, and “S” in courses measured with competency, and obtain a grade point average of at least 1.50 at the end of the first grade. Those, who get grade of “FF”, “FD”, “NA”, or “U” in Faculty courses, even if their grade point average is at least 1.50, need to take these courses first, pass, and then they can qualify to take the second year Faculty compulsory courses. Those who have common compulsory courses with a grade of “FF”, “FD”, or “NA” are obliged to complete these courses by the end of their third year. Students who repeat courses can take elective courses from the upper class.

    (7) (Change OG 12/12/2022-32041) (Change:OG-22.08.2019/30866) Students qualify to take third grade courses if they get a grade of at least “DD” in courses measured with grades, and “S” in courses measured with competency, and obtain a grade point average of at least 1.70 at the end of the second grade. Those, who get grade of “FF”, “FD”, “NA”, or “U” in Faculty courses, even if their grade point average is at least 1.70, need to take these courses first, pass, and then they can qualify to take the third year Faculty compulsory courses. Students who repeat courses can take elective courses from the upper class.

    (8) (Change OG 12/12/2022-32041)  (Change:OG-22.08.2019/30866)  Students, who get a grade of at least “DD” in all compulsory, elective and common compulsory courses measured with grade and “S” in courses measured with competency, and obtain a grade point average of at least 1.80 at the end of third grade, can qualify to take fourth grade courses.

     (9) (Change OG 12/12/2022-32041)  (Change:OG-22.08.2019/30866)  Fourth and fifth grades are taken into evaluation together. Students, who get a grade of at least “DD” in all courses measured with grades, “S” in courses measured with competency, and obtain a grade point average of at least 2.00 at the end of fifth grade, qualify to become an intern. Those, who get grade of “FF”, “FD”, and “NA” in courses in fourth and fifth grades, need to take these courses first until they succeed.

    (10) (Change OG 12/12/2022-32041) (Change:OG-22.08.2019/30866)  Sixth grade courses are evaluated on competency, and students, who get a grade of “S” in all of these, qualify to graduate. Those, with a grade of “U” continue to take the course until they succeed.

     (11) Grade point average for any registered course, which is included in the grade average, is obtained by multiplying the coefficient of the grade with the ECTS credit. The Grade Point Average is obtained by dividing the total credit points by the total number of ECTS credits. If this calculation is based on the courses taken for one semester, grade point average is obtained. If it is based on all the courses taken so far, cumulative grade point average is obtained.

    (12) When calculating the grade point averages, for repeated courses, the most recent grade is included in the grade point average. Repeated courses are specified in the transcript.

    (13) The coefficients, points, and status for the letter grades included in calculating the grade averages are stated below:



    (14) (Change OG 12/12/2022-32041) Grade of NA (non-attendance) is issued by the course coordinator for students, who fail to fulfill the attendance and/or requirements of the course. Grade of NA is considered as 0.00 (zero) in calculating the grade averages.

    (15) The grades that are not included in the grade point average are specified below:

    a) Grade of S (Satisfactory) is given to students who are successful in non-credited courses.

    b) Grade of U (Unsatisfactory) is given to students who are unsuccessful in non-credited courses.

    c) Grade of EX (Exempt), is given to students who are exempt from some of the courses in the curriculum.

    ç) (Change OG 12/12/2022-32041) Grade of I (Incomplete), is given to students who are not able to meet all the course requirements at the end of the semester due to a valid justification accepted by the course coordinator. The grade of "I" must be converted to a letter grade within one week following the deadline for the course grades. However, in special cases, conversion to letter grades exceeding this period must be done before the start date of the next semester course registration. These procedures in special cases are carried out with the decision of the Faculty Administrative Board upon the recommendation of the course coordinator. Grade of  “I” that is not converted to a letter grade within the prescribed time becomes a grade of “FF” or “U”.

    d) Grade of W (Withdrawal) is used for courses that the student withdraws from, within the first 10 weeks of the semester after add/ drop period is over, upon the recommendation of his/ her advisor and the permission of the instructor that teaches the course. A student is not allowed to withdraw from compulsory courses, courses taken to increase grades, or courses he/she had to repeat, and received grade “W” before, which are not included in the grade average. A student is allowed to withdraw from two elective courses the most during his/ her entire study. In accordance with the protocols made between Izmir University of Economics and educational institutions or official authorities abroad, the exchange program students studying at Izmir University of Economics may withdraw from courses upon the recommendation of Office of International Relations Directorate and the permission of the instructor. In this case, the rules concerning the grade of “W” are not applied to these students.

    e) Grade of NI (Not included) is issued to describe the courses that the student has taken, provided that they are not included in the grade point average of the program or programs in which the student is registered. This grade is reported in the students’ transcripts with the respective letter grade. Such courses are not counted as the courses in the program that the student is registered.

    f) Grade of P (Successful Progress) is given to students, who continue to the courses that are not included in the GPA that has a period exceeding one semester, and who regularly performs the academic studies expected to be done in the relevant semester.

    Repeating a Course

    ARTICLE 26 – (1) Students, upon the approval of the respective advisor, may repeat courses to raise their grades, within the limits of their course load, in which they received a successful grade before, following the semester/s in which they were first taken. For repeated courses, the most recent grade will be valid.

    (2) Students can take another course instead of a course that they have taken and failed or withdrew before.

    Exam days and exam format

    ARTICLE 27 – (Change OG 12/12/2022-32041)

    (1) Assessment methods for faculty courses and their dates are announced at the beginning of the respective semester. Final exams and make-up exams for the Faculty are administered on dates, places and times determined by the University.

    (2) Courses and their mid-term, final exams, make-up exams of the Faculty, and all other exams may be administered any day of the week.

    (3) Exams are administered in written and/or structured oral and/or electronically, theoretical and/or applied format.

    (4) (Change:OG-22.08.2019/30866) Students need to take the exams on dates and times announced. Those, who fail to enter any of the theoretical or applied section of the exam on time, other than acceptable excuse, will get a zero.

    Objection to exam questions and results

    ARTICLE 28 – (Changed with the title OG 12/12/2022-32041)

    (1) Objection to an exam score can be made to the Dean’s Office within three business days the latest following the announcement date of scores. The course coordinator reviews grade objections and the request for correction, if any, is decided by the Faculty Administrative Board.

    (2) Grading errors regarding the grades given after the end-of-semester exams must be corrected by the beginning of the course registrations of the next semester at the latest.

    (3) Students make their objections about exam questions to the course coordinator within 24 hours after the end of the exam. These objections are examined and evaluated by the instructor who prepared the question. If changes are necessary, the correction is made by the course coordinator and announced to the students.


    Miscellaneous and Final Provisions

    Education Opportunities with Other Institutions

    ARTICLE 29 – (1) Based on the agreements and mobility programs signed between the University and other universities or higher education institutions abroad, students may be sent to these institutions for up to two semesters for scholarship, internship, research, etc. opportunities.

    (2) During this period, the student’s registration at the University is reserved, and this period is included in the maximum education period.

    (3) Faculty Administrative Board approves the equivalency of the education/training offered at the institution the student wants to go to.

    (4) Student submits the transcripts issued by the other institution to the Faculty. Courses taken by the student are recorded in the system with the name, code, and ECTS of the equivalent course deemed appropriate by the Faculty Administrative Board.

    (5) In the event that the student submits attendance document given by the other institution, but not the achievement document, the student needs to take the first exam of the equivalent course.

    (6) In the event that the student fails to submit attendance document given by the other institution, the student needs to take the course again.

    (7) Students coming to the Faculty from other universities abroad are given a transcript for the courses they have taken at the Faculty.

    (8) Procedures regarding the tuition and fees to be paid as part of the exchange programs are carried out pursuant to bilateral agreements and respective legislation.

    Disciplinary Issues

    ARTICLE 30 – (1) Disciplinary actions of students are carried out in accordance with the provisions of Higher Education Institutions Student Disciplinary Regulation, which is published in the Official Gazette numbered 28388 and dated August 18, 2012.

    (2) Students, who cheat or attempt to cheat in the exams, are issued grade of “I”, and they will be subject to the provisions of Higher Education Institutions Student Disciplinary Regulation.

    Scholarships and Discounts

    ARTICLE 31 – (1) The arrangements about scholarship, which students are awarded with, are determined by the Board of the Trustees upon a recommendation by the Senate.

    Health Services

    ARTICLE 32 – (1) The health services to be provided to the students and the medical treatments for ailing students are determined by the Board of the Trustees upon a recommendation by the Senate.


    ARTICLE 33 – (1) Students, who successfully complete all the anticipated courses in the curriculum with at least total of 360 ECTS credits, obtain a cumulative grade point average of minimum of 2.00 over 4.00, and meet all the requirements, are issued a diploma for the program.

    (2) Graduation of the students is finalized upon the approval of the Faculty Administrative Board. Approval date of the Faculty Administrative Board is issued on the diploma as the graduation date.


    ARTICLE 34 – (1) Students are issued the following diplomas by the Faculty:

    a) (Deleted OG 12/12/2022-32041)

    b) Medical Doctor Degree: Medical Doctor Degree is issued to students who complete the six-year medical education successfully. The Dean and the Rector sign the diploma.

    (2) Students, who meet all the requirements, are issued a diploma supplement that allows the student’s academic and professional competencies to be recognized internationally along with their diploma.

    (3) Graduation points are not indicated on the diploma.

    (4) Students with a cumulative grade point average of 3.50 and over graduate as a high honour student, students with a cumulative grade point average between 3.00 and 3.49 graduate as a honour student. "Honour” and “High Honour" standing is indicated on the diploma.

    (5) Students, who receive disciplinary punishment, may become high honor or honor students only with the approval of the Senate even though they obtain the specified grade point averages.

    (6) A temporary graduation certificate may be issued for one time only until the diploma is being prepared with the signatures of the Dean and the Student Affairs Director.

    (7) If the diploma is lost, a new diploma is issued for one time only. To get a replacement diploma, an advertisement must be published in a national newspaper, the appropriate fee must be repaid, and the request for the replacement diploma must be declared with a written petition. In this case, “second copy” is stated on the diploma.


    ARTICLE 35 – (1) All kinds of notifications are carried out in accordance with the respective legislation provisions.

    (2) If students do not inform the University about any change of address, or submitted wrong or missing information, they will be considered notified in the event that the notification is mailed to the existing address in the records.

    Storage of documents and works taken as basis in measurement-evaluation

    ARTICLE 36 – (Changed with the title OG 12/12/2022-32041)

    (1) Exam documents, assignments, projects and similar documents, which are taken as a basis in assessment and evaluation, are kept in accordance with the Standard File Plan with Retention Period of Higher Education Institutions and Higher Education Institutions, starting from the date they are last processed.

    Non Provisional Circumstances

    ARTICLE 37 – (1) Provisions of respective legislations, and decisions of the Senate, Faculty Board, and Council of Higher Education will be taken into account should non provisional cases occur in this Bylaw.


    (1) (Deleted  OG 12/12/2022-32041)


    ARTICLE 38 – (1) This Bylaw takes effect on the date it is published.


    ARTICLE 39 – (1) The Rector of the Izmir University of Economics enforces the provisions of this Bylaw.


     Official Gazette in which the Bylaw was published





    Official Gazettes in which the Regulations Amending the Bylaw Are Published










